Cambridge, UK : 23 - 26 June 2019
Take a look back at the 2017 edition...
216 participants joined the 3rd EACR conference on Cancer Genomics (25 – 28 June 2017), which was held at Churchill College, part of the famous University of Cambridge in the UK.
216 participants | 34 countries represented | 106 posters presented | 9 proffered papers
>> Read the report from invited speaker Michael Speicher1,
1"Searching for cancer vulnerabilities amid genetic chaos", Genome Biology 2017 18:147 | | Michael Speicher
99% of participants would recommend the conference to others
96% rated the quality of the scientific content as ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’
96% rated the opportunities for networking, interaction and discussion as ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’
“I enjoyed meeting investigators at a variety of career stages in a small setting. The quality of the research was excellent.”
“Focused, high-profile speakers, lot of networking opportunities”
“The quality of the research presented was very high, participants shared unpublished results, and there was an atmosphere that encouraged the exchange of ideas.”
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